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Hello! I'm Tommy.

Big Data + AI Engineer | Science & Tech Geek | Hobbyist Photographer | Travel Enthusiast | Life Adventurist

See more about myself below.

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About Me

my bitmoji

Having experienced various line of professions (e.g. military, manufacturing, etc.), I eventually found my passion with data about the time I left my role as a process engineer in 2017. Despite being trained in a different background (chemical engineering), the fascination in this exciting field supercharged my learning rate, and I have since gained professional experiences in the following areas - Data Engineering, Data Analyst, Software Development, Architecture Solutioning, Requirements Gathering, Project Management.

I am passionate about building transformational digital landscapes leveraging game-changing advanced analytics, on top of highly performant & elastic data platforms, with unparalleled efficiencies in continuous integration/delivery. I am currently building expertise in machine learning and artificial intelligence.

As a person, I seek the satisfaction from facing & overcoming challenges. Since a child, I have always been fascinated with science & technology, and this allows me to grasp new & complex technical concepts quickly. Aside from work, I enjoy taking photographs (check them out here!) and exploring new places.


My professional experiences till date.

Digital Business Integration Consultant

08/2017 - Present
  • Worked on RFP decks for various clients (petrochemical, defence, financial services), researched on analytics tools, architecture & development workflow (e.g. agile/CRISP-DM methodology) to serve specific client requirements. Efforts helped to clinch multi-million dollar projects for the company.
  • Developed an image recognition POC for a financial services client, utilizing Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for signature verification.
Technologies Used
  • Signature Verification POC: OpenCV, Tensorflow

Big Data Engineer

Accenture - Serving a Financial Services Client
08/18 - Present
  • Delivery of platform for predictive & prescriptive intervention on various customers' user journeys, such as in-app and service calls experiences.

    • User experience enhancement with real-time prevention of customer issues
    • Operational enhancement of consumer banking services, improving cost efficiencies (20% customer call reduction, ~S$1M annual call centre savings)
    • Client awarded Global Finance Magazine Top 10 Financial Innovations 2018 & IDC APAC Financial Insights Innovation Awards 2019 with the platform
  • Developed multiple modules in a microservices architecture, including:

    • Real-time event processing on heterogeneous data sources (clickstream, transaction/API/services logs, etc.) with different endpoints (client/server side RESTful APIs, JDBC, Elasticsearch, etc.)
    • Experimentation module to perform real-time AB testing on end users, integrating with predictive scores provided by data scientists to enhance intervention accuracy
    • Batch ingestion applications (e.g. precomputed predictive scores, user configurations)
  • Deployed & coordinated Infrastructure setup + DevOps pipelines, including:

    • Databases
    • Load Balancers/Reverse Proxies
    • Pipeline for Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment
    • Monitoring & Alert Pipelines
  • Contributed important insights into the solutioning of the technology stack, based on considerations in scalability, security, availability, performance, and costs.
  • Covered duties of infra lead, driving the progress of provisioning infrastructure (e.g. CICD, Monitoring Pipelines, Application/Software/Database Setup, Firewalls, Proxies, Load Balancers, SMTP, Cloud Storage, SSL Certs, IDs) for smooth delivery.
  • Managed deployment activities to ensure the fulfilment of delivery timelines.
  • Communicated key business processes of the bank to team, expediting team mates' effort to navigate through procedures needed to accomplish their tasks efficiently.
Technologies Used
  • Microservices: Java, Python, Springboot, Pandas, Kafka Consumer/Producer/Streams/Connect, Spark SQL/Structured Streaming, Hadoop, S3, Redis, AWS
  • Infrastructure: Redis, Nginx, Zookeeper, Kerberos, MariaDB
  • DevOps: Jenkins, Git, ELK stack

Application/ETL Developer

Accenture - Serving a Tourism Client
08/17 - 07/18
  • Delivery of platform for serving players in the tourism industry with insightful data on visitor movement patterns, travel modes, social media traffic, etc.

    • Potential cost savings of ~S$50k per onboarded business in managing disparate BI platforms
    • Client awarded with IDC APAC Smart City 2018 & 2019 with the platform
  • Delivery of platform for improving the efficiency of financial activities within the organization, such as invoice/payments and budget management.

    • Operational enhancements with >90% time savings in gathering financial data
  • Development work involves:

    • Data Engineering - building ETL pipelines for integrating existing data systems to data warehouse/lake, RESTful client applications for retrieving data from social media APIs, and geotagging of input data with latitude & longitude
    • Web Services - RESTful server for serving a file upload web application with user files
    • Data Visualization - Enhancement of existing data visualization dashboards for higher performance and new functionalities
  • Designed data models for use cases in tourism geoanalytics and financial activities.
  • Key player throughout end-to-end delivery (user requirements gathering to operations) for above use cases.
  • Managed deployment activities to ensure the fulfilment of delivery timelines.
  • Managed the end-to-end delivery for the development and integration of a file upload web application with existing ETL pipelines, coordinating among multiple stakeholders (business users, UI developers, data engineers, system admins) to meet delivery timelines.
Technologies Used
  • Data Engineering: SAP HANA/Data Services, Python, Hadoop, Hive, GCS
  • Web Services: NodeJS, ExpressJS
  • Data Visualization: QlikSense

Process Engineer

Linde Gas Singapore
02/17 - 07/17
  • Supported RFP team to prepare for multi-billion (S$1.4B) project for enhancing gasification facilities for supplying client with hydrogen.
  • Coordinated iron-oxide catalyst change with various parties (procurement team, operations team, vendors) for Claus reactors for desulfurizing hydrogen sulphide wastes.
  • Drafted Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams for new hydrogen supply pipeline.

Embedded Systems Intern

Action-X Singapore
11/15 - 01/16
  • Developed event technology to track user engagement / behaviour & enhance user experience via technology-enabled higher interactivity during events.
  • Proposed and drove the use cases for adoption of contactless technology to redefine event experience.
  • Set up database to capture user scores / metrics during events.
Technologies Used
  • Software: Python, nfcpy, MySQL
  • Hardware: Raspberry Pi, NFC (PN532 board)

Assistant Mortar Platoon Commander

First Singapore Infantry Regiment, Singapore Armed Forces
04/10 - 02/12
  • Led platoon of 28 men from diverse backgrounds in training (field operations, physical fitness, weapons proficiency, etc), operations & administrative matters.

    • Awarded Silver Bayonet & Outstanding Commander Award during service time.
  • Fostered a "can-do" attitude, "leave no-men behind" culture among the platoon, achieving the below with the platoon:

    • Highest standard (REDCON 1) for operational readiness in team's mortar proficiency
    • Marksman for every member
    • Minimum silver standard in Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT) for every member
  • Directed the deployment and orientation of mortars during deployments, performed critical computations to ensure fast and accurate laying of mortars to hit target enemies.
  • Proficient with mortar fire direction computations (REDCON 1).


An indicative list of my current skillset. I strongly believe in adapting to new best practices in the everchanging digital landscape, rather than defining my profession on a fixed set of tools.

Programming Languages

Big Data / Data Engineering

Cloud Platforms

Machine Learning / AI






See more public projects in my GitHub.


Signature Verification with CNN


Real-Time Data Analytics/Event Processing


Singapore Pools Lottery Analysis


Real Life Mario Game with NFC/Raspberry Pi

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Feel free to connect via the below social icons, or drop me an email below.

Happy to be in touch!